
Welcome to our new e-Library!

A wide range of scholarly e-journal and e-book collections, high quality reference information and academic databases is now available to library users at Yangon University of Economics through the e-Library Myanmar project.

Start searching…

Use our new Discovery Service from anywhere on campus to cross-search the full text of hundreds of thousands of prestigious e-journals, e-books, newspapers and other sources via a single search. Or start searching using the search box below.

E-library SearchE-Journals & BooksMyanmar Research

Search for articles, books, and media across e-library databases and the institutional repository. Use Advanced Search to narrow your results.


Search by title for e-journals and e-books. (For individual articles, use the E-library Search tab).

Databases A-Z

Search in individual databases, such as EBSCO Academic Search Complete, JSTOR, LexisNexis, etc.